“We are carbon-based biophysical beings and biospiritual beings.  We are not genetically modified organisms.” Jacquline-Fay Hobbs - OG

Light therapy is Frequency Medicine and it is NOT New Age or do you need to believe in it to work. It is advanced nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine and a science. Light therapy IS revolutionizing how to heal at the best and deepest cell level and whole self.

I once questioned if this was possible…To have something that can support everyone?!

It does seem to good to be true, until it changed my life in the most incrediable ways. Image healing deeply those things of suffering WE get used to. I have seen and heard others heal: chronic issues, immune system diseases, pain, injuries, cancers/ tumors, toxicities, EMF shielding, and psychological dysfunction with anxiety & PTSD, depression, and more.

I have had an incredible healing that I have never experienced before. I tried all the diets and supplements and holistic modalities to heal. Watch my testimonial of how I changed by physical body, immune system, and hormonal system towards deeper emotional and spiritual wellness.

Watch my 2 month & 12 month testimonials - @ 2months https://tinyurl.com/stemcellkelly & @12 months https://tinyurl.com/kellystemcellnow / WATCH PATCH PODCAST - EVERY WEEK - https://evolveweeklypodcast.com/ - 3OMIN testimonials*

Clients & friends who have shared their healing experiences…

  • Chronic arthritis pain in hands and feet minimized and or completely gone

  • Using to support cancer treatment

  • Thyroid - Hypothyroidism support

  • Edema in legs going away and reduced inflammation

  • Sleeping with deeper sleep and less insomnia

  • Growing follicles in ovaries

  • Increases energy to work out and exercise with fast recovery

  • And the list keeps going and going!!!!

WATCH PATCH PODCAST - EVERY WEEK - https://evolveweeklypodcast.com/ - 3OMIN testimonials*

Image noninvasive technology that uses your bodies own light to heal?

Did you know your body is highly intelligent? Did you know you are exposed to daily toxicities and energies?

Are you ready to change your chronic issues into freedom and living your best life?

“4,000 Genes Begin to Reset Within 24 hours the stem cell activation patch begins to reset 3,000-4,000 genes to a younger healthier state. People using the stem cell patches will experience an immediate effect through elevation of antioxidants, a decrease in inflammation, an increase in energy and joy.

- Melinda H. Connors, DD, November 2020” LIFEWAVE

“Your body emits heat in the form of infrared light. When applied to the recommended placement on the body, the patch traps this infrared light and reflects wavelengths back into the tissue.” LIFEWAVE

“As an example, our X39 patch reflects light back into the body, stimulating cellular activity and the production of a copper peptide known as GHK-Cu, which activates stem cells.” LIFEWAVE

IMPROVES…x39 & Aeon

  • Allows more energy

  • Pain relief

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves skin and hair quality

  • Better sleep

  • Improved mental clarity

  • And other health issues

"The Sun Story"

“When you are in the sun, the light from the sun signals the body to up Vitamin D production in your body. We all know that. Right? The X39® patch does not need the sun. We are 98.6 degrees on a cold day. We emit light and heat.

The light we emit is reflected off the X39® patch back into the body (the organic crystals in the X39® patch change the wavelength of the light in a process called photobiomodulation). The new ‘wavelength of light’ then signals the body to up the production of a copper peptide that has been proven to increase Stem Cell Activity and to reset your Stem Cells to a Younger, Healthier state.

This is new Stem Cell Activity that we have been losing as we age (OVER 50% loss by age 35 and OVER 90% loss by age 60) and additional loss is occurring due to exposure to all the electronics in our lives.” LIFEWAVE

“How do the patches work if nothing enters the body? An organic crystal is embedded in the patch. This crystal reflects the lightwaves in the body and taps into the body’s natural flow of energy and ability to heal itself. The brain is signaled to produce GHK-Cu, which promotes healing, most notably by repairing and regenerating pluripotent stem cells.” LIFEWAVE

Change Your Health & Heal Your Life Through Stem Cell Activation

Enrollment recommended SILVER or GOLD or PLANTNUM