Medical Intuition

Humanity is awakening from a very deep slumber and experiencing new healing possibilities. Humans are not tolerating the corruption, greed, violence, and fear anymore.

We are being reminded that not all is lost, and that Light will prevail and lead the way forward because Love is never gone, and cannot and will not be destroyed.
— Kelly Meehan
Medical Intuitive Session - HERE for cost & what is involved in private session - do not book without consulting at

Session for babies, children, & women/men. 75- 90 mins. Meeting virtually. Replay available. Scan & Conversation.
— Kelly Meehan

Welcome to your Healing…

I am a Medical Intuitive.

That means… I can sense and understand the human anatomy energy field and the multidimensional spaces of the human experience. I am able to share what I “see,” and share that information. Exploring the language of energy and exchanging it into words and into a verbal understanding. The information I see, sense, & know always has an origin and a story attached to it. I share the story that is linked to issues within health with sickness and diseases. The stories emotionally penetrate the energy bodies of life through the physical, emotional, mental, and or spiritual life experiences. My job is to bring awareness and insight into how to heal and move forward into health freedom and a thriving life.

Medical Intuition is an amazing collaborative informative skill that uses natural awareness and abilities with experiences supporting the whole expanded human body. Science is always changing and maturing into new ways towards frequency medicine within methods & models of healing and getting better and being disease free. Medical Intuition is advanced healing and medical science is utilizing it.  The limitations of the mind are shifting and a new capacity to a less sick and diseased nation is underway. 

We are in a deep time of spiritual evolution that is: balancing the realities of positive & negative powers that are guiding us to live with true Integrity & Love over sup​pression and fears. 

We are being held to activate Remembrance. All for alignment and a mission to be autonomous dimensional beings connected to the whole of oneness. ​

Thank you.

Private session and programs on Intuitive Health & Psychic Wellness available throughout the year and please inquirer by emailing

NEED A SESSION? Medical Intuitive Session - HERE for cost & what is involved in private session - do not book without consulting at - Session for babies, children, & women/men. 75- 90 mins. Meeting virtually. Replay available. Scan & Conversation.

Medical Intuition/Clairvoyance

A medical intuitive is someone that can intuitively: sense, see, feel, and know things and view another person's energy body/ electromagnetic field or bio-field. That field of electromagnetic vibration is within everyone.  All living and nonliving have energy and vibration. 

The human energy field holds so much information available with past, present, and future information about the physiology of the body, the mental and emotional states, and the spiritual journey with other multidimensional truths.  

A medical intuitive does not need to be a medically trained professional. No medical training is needed because it is a natural skill, but many doctors, nurses, and other professionals can be medical intuitives.  Visiting with a medical intuitive can change your life in a positive and health preventive way. It can support you towards health and wellness because medical intuitives fill in the gaps of missing and missed information about health that doctors often cannot.  Sometimes doctors and medical intuitives discover the same information about patients.  

Medical intuition is medicine that is happening Now.  In today's post-pandemic world, the medical industry is getting a re-structuring and reboot because the old stories embedded into the subconscious minds of us all about medical support is changing in massive ways.  

It is known that modern medicine has proven to save lives and kill lives.  This is why intuition and self awareness is everything on the healing journey. You are your own health advocate, you're a medical intuitive inside your spirit and mind, and you are allowed to trust your body and mind to make choices for yourself and your family.  You have consent, you have choices, and you are a Sovereign soul.

Where did medical intuition come from?

The term "Medical Intuition" came from Doctor Norm Shealy and World renowned medical intuitive Caroline Myss.

Intuition - A Science of the Soul - Your Awakening to Wholeness by C. Norman Shealy MD, Ph.D. defines medical intuition as:

"A medical intuitive is not a street psychic or carnival barker who can "see the future." A medical intuitive is exactly that---a person who has the ability to interpret energetic data often includes behavioral patterns, archetypal patterns that govern the souls' path, life traumas, and then there is the presence of physical illness as well as the illnesses that are in the process of developing."   

I understand that the work of an intuitive can be viewed as "God's work" or "God's calling." Not many grow up saying they want to become a medical intuitive someday because it just happens and it becomes a valuable part of life. Perhaps someday little girls and boys, besides wanting to be firefighters, a mommy, or chef, may add a medium or medical intuitive. Dr. Norm created the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition ABSMI as a standardization where he expands (see below) these standards within Parapsychology to Neurosurgery and Medical Intuition.

NOMI- National Organization for Medical Intuition -

"If you are a medical intuitive, you must be governed by the ethics and parameters of what "medical" means. It means you are devoting your intuitive abilities toward assisting people to heal." 

How did you become a medical intuitive?

In my 20's I loved spiritual medicine and found it so fascinating. I discovered that Medical Intuition is not about attending medical school, though I did dream about becoming a medical doctor to heal others like an Oncologist or Internal Medicine doctor in my teens. The problem with that dream was I was discouraged as a student with poor grades and struggling to pass tests. I let it go because something else was waiting for me.

I believe that medical Intuition is a deep healing skill that requires: self-awareness, openness, connection, deep trust, faith, and accuracy.  I have been practicing intuitive counseling and energy healing since 2005. I began studying more about body-mind psychology with Somatic Psychology in graduate school.

My background is in Psychology. I have a BA in Psychology and an MA in Clinical Psychology/ Somatic Psychology emphasis and other energy modalities such as Reiki I, Integrative Energy Therapy Level I.II.and III, Mini Yoga Instructor, Craniosacral Therapy, Certified in Infant Massage, and hands-on-touch and healing. A 3 Part certification is Death Midwifery and Apprenticeship with Grief Workshops. Graduate of - Smart Body Smart Mind - 12-week Somatic Psychology/ Embodiment training - 2021.

I came to Medical Intuition through my own experience. I had multiple hospitalizations and chronic illnesses that spanned my first 17 years of life. It did not stop, but it did get less, especially after I found Eastern medicine and outside of conventional medicine.

My life experience in sickness and stress has been my biggest teacher and offering to others.  It has helped me understand anatomy, immunology, quantum physics, and epigenetics. My life has been my internship with being: a caretaker, Empath, multiple diagnoses of autoimmune issues, labeled by the education system as Learning Disabled (auditory processing/other/ dyslexic), and the birth of motherhood, who made my services to humanity possible.

My leap into claiming this work was when my mother died unexpectedly, followed three and half weeks later by my older brother, who also died unexpectedly in 2017. I realized that my broken heart and energy space became stronger and broader. I had to use the calling from grieving into something for them that was powerful. My work is for them and the poor medical system and issues they could not overcome that ended their time in this reality.

I could not have developed my confidence and spiritual awareness without the brilliant work of Caroline Myss and C. Norman Shealy. Together they have introduced Medical Intuition to the world and found ways to train, research, and guide others. They both continue to provide wisdom for healing and medical intuition for many. 

​My relationship with disease and chronic issues into healing. My immune system was constantly over working my whole life and has been a battle for so many years until getting into Light Therapy.  In childhood into adulthood I suffered way to much with numerous infections from pneumonia to mononucleosis to chronic strep throat, Lyme's diagnosis, Epstein-Barr, viral colds, Shingles, and more. TODAY I have learned that it is prevalent for empaths or "sensitive feelers" to have these experiences. Also, I later became aware that my foundational trauma as an infant created the lifelong immune system and nervous system re-regulation journey.   

My pre-verbal trauma ( being born) formed my experience with the world around me.  II struggled the most as a teenager with multiple illnesses and missing school to be tutored. I became very sick, and no medical doctor knew what was wrong. I was misdiagnosed and re-diagnosed with everything. I lived on all kinds of prescribed medications and even had IV therapy at 17 years old with a nurse coming to my home to change my shunt and multiple antibiotics and tests from scans to blood tests.  My distrust began here of the medical community.

Most doctors never questioned my Standard American Diet. I was left resistant to antibiotics, side effects from medications, and other issues. Being ill became my normal. I felt like my body was failing; my system weakened with more stress and more unknown answers. At this time, I had a lack of trust in my spiritual connections and felt deeply alone. I learned to distrust science and have been healing these medical traumas into adulthood.

Many years later, I had my wake-up call. When I was 25, I became very sick with inflamed joints, body pains, aches, vertigo, double vision, and other immune dysfunctions. After visiting many doctors with numerous tests to find a diagnosis, I finally found one doctor that I could work with. It took a blood panel ANA to reveal why I was sick. My inflammation was chronic.

I was told I had mild Lupus. It was considered mild.  MILD!!! I felt so incredibly sick and like I was dying.  I had the not so easy Lupus with rosy cheek rashes, but the kind that attacks the organs and swells the heart and kidneys and possibly fatal. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder or disease that attacks the body and immune system.  It is added to the list of unknown and medication prescribed forever.  

Mayo Clinic defines Lupus as "Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by Lupus can affect many different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs. Lupus can be difficult to diagnose because its signs and symptoms often mimic those of other ailments…" I was not scared of it and took it as a sign to heal my life in all areas. The diagnosis helped me figure myself out.

After my diagnosis, I began my healing in the holistic world and left Western Medicine without taking the medications specific for Lupus. I realized that Western Medicine could not help with my chronic condition and I was hurting - my treatment would involve a massive makeover of my life. No pills could change my consciousness and the agreements I had to recreate and heal with.  The last blood panel I received said “disease free.”  I took that and allowed it to be a healing message.  Then after the birth of my 2nd son I would open up another level of the mother wound and acquired a new chronic issue never experienced and it was within my lower back and hips.  The journey took me into healing with anti anti-inflammatory diet and easy low stress lifestyle and an unhealthy obsession with pathogens.  I knew my health needed a re-set and it was not going to be easy because my mind set and my beingness was asking me to change on a new level, I was not sure how to access it.  I was brought into frequency healing through Oracle Girl and after that alignment came and I was rebirthed.  More came with Light Therapy - Stem Cell Activation and healing.  My life is truly free and deeper energetic healing becomes the journey of joy and living a heart filled life.  I wish this for all.  

I trust your intuition.
I believe in YOU.
I will show YOU how to get guidance through accessing your own medical intuitive abilities and healing.
— Kelly Meehan

Disclaimer: Kelly Ann Meehan is a natural born medical intuitive trained in Clinical Psychology/ Somatic Psychology with multiple energy healing certificates within Energy Medicine.  She is not a medical doctor nor associated with any branch of allopathic medicine. This site and Kelly’s services does not contain medical/health advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatments or procedures.  The use or Reliance of any information and services contained on this site is solely at your own risk. I trust your intuition to make choices for your health and wellness.