Sacred Communication- A Spirit Baby Journal

Sacred Communication is a journal that is meant to inspire and support your spirit baby communication relationship and foster an intimate connection into parenthood.

The journal is for anyone in pre-conception, active conception / TTC, and pregnancy. The journal offers five unique sections that encourage writing, reflecting, and heart provoking spiritual questions and healing images hand painted for the journal.  The journal includes extra pages after question to write your spirit baby communication experiences. Allow your spirit baby to write with you and use the intuitive center of communication through psychic writing.

​...How to use your journal
Begin with writing a letter to your baby (includes prompts)
Say a prayer, mantra, and or intention before you write in your journal
Visit the pages as they call you
Ask questions
Be curious
Listen deeply
Sense into your heart
Don't judge and keep writing!
Spirit baby says HELLO!

Your Spirit Baby Journal

Spirit baby is your muse to creation in sacred space of conception and pregnancy. Let the energy fill you with a meditation before you write and allow the words to flow through you. Let this bonding experience inspire and add more love to your life.

COST: $25.00